Useful Actions To Take When Having PRP Microneedling Performed For Cosmetic Reasons

If you have imperfections like acne scars or wrinkles, there are a bunch of cosmetic treatments for them. One that's showing a lot of promise is PRP (plasma-rich platelets) microneedling. This involves moving fine needles across the skin and adding blood platelets into the indentions. If you want to get the best results from this treatment option, take these actions. Find a Spa Certified in This Procedure You want to make sure you head to a beauty spa where technicians are certified to complete PRP microneedling because this can be a pretty technical procedure. Read More 

Common Types Of Pedicures To Choose From

Years ago, getting a pedicure basically meant getting your nails trimmed and painted. It still does today, but now there are multiple types of pedicures to choose from. Some spas only have two or three options on the menu, but others have more. Here are some of the most common types of pedicures to choose from. Basic Pedicure If you see a basic pedicure on the spa menu, know this is the standard approach. Read More 

Skin Tightening Rejuvenation For Your Stomach: What To Expect

You can get skin tightening rejuvenation done on various parts of your body, from your face to your stomach to your thighs or buttocks. Where you get your skin tightening done is dependent upon the areas of your body you want to work on and other factors. You can get work done on your stomach to help it feel smoother and flatter, especially if you are worried about loose skin. You don't have to do an invasive treatment if your abdomen is largely smooth and you don't have a high body mass index or are not considered to be very overweight or obese. Read More 

Are Your Legs Ready For Summer? Why Wax Instead Of Shave

Summer is here. Now's the time to show off your skin. If you're still shaving your legs, it's time to take a different approach to hair removal. You might think that shaving is the best way to remove hair from your legs. That's not the case though. Waxing is one of the best ways to remove hair from your legs, and just about any other area of your body. One of the great things is that you can have your legs waxed at a day spa. Read More 

A Hydrotherapy Hot Tub Can Provide Therapeutic Value And Family Entertainment

If you have problems with sore muscles or back pain, consider buying a hydrotherapy hot tub. Even if you don't have problems with pain, a hot tub helps relieve stress while giving you a chance to relax. Here are three ways a hydrotherapy hot tub can provide therapeutic effects. 1. The Hot Water Increases Circulation And Relaxation If you love to take soaks in your bathtub in hot water, then you'd probably enjoy a hot tub since it's bigger and you can cover yourself in hot water more easily. Read More