When your skin starts to show signs of aging, you may notice age spots or areas of discoloration along with an increase in wrinkles. Your skin may also appear loose or saggy. These problems can affect your face, chest, and hands. If your skin makes you feel unattractive or older than you feel, talk to a cosmetic doctor about having an anti-aging resurfacing treatment. These are often done with lasers. Here's how lasers can resurface your skin and help you look younger.
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Are you tired of shaving or waxing your leg hair? It can feel like a never-ending battle. You shave or wax it away, but before long, you're right back where you started. If this sounds all too familiar, then you may be a good candidate for laser hair removal. Here are some questions people often have before scheduling laser hair removal for their legs.
Are the results permanent?
The results are not permanent in the sense that they are not life-long.
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You can get frizzy hair if you live in an area that gets high humidity, as well as if you towel-dry your hair, wash your hair in hot water, use heat styling, and wash your hair too much. Fortunately, there are things you can do to smooth your hair, three of which are listed below.
Use a Keratin Hair-Smoothing Treatment
A keratin hair-smoothing treatment will calm frizzy hair. You will also hear this referred to as a Brazilian blowout.
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If you have imperfections like acne scars or wrinkles, there are a bunch of cosmetic treatments for them. One that's showing a lot of promise is PRP (plasma-rich platelets) microneedling. This involves moving fine needles across the skin and adding blood platelets into the indentions. If you want to get the best results from this treatment option, take these actions.
Find a Spa Certified in This Procedure
You want to make sure you head to a beauty spa where technicians are certified to complete PRP microneedling because this can be a pretty technical procedure.
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Years ago, getting a pedicure basically meant getting your nails trimmed and painted. It still does today, but now there are multiple types of pedicures to choose from. Some spas only have two or three options on the menu, but others have more. Here are some of the most common types of pedicures to choose from.
Basic Pedicure
If you see a basic pedicure on the spa menu, know this is the standard approach.
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